Seven Key Considerations for Hiring an Executive Coach

Seven Key Considerations for Hiring an Executive Coach Seven Key Considerations for Hiring an Executive Coach

Seven Key Considerations for Hiring an Executive Coach

Kurt Theriault

While we don't deliver or offer formal executive coaching engagements within Allied Executives, clients often ask us to help them determine whether they should pursue this method of help.

The request for help often comes in the form of questions such as:

  • Should I hire a coach to work with me?
  • How do I figure out who the right coach is for me?
  • What should I expect in a good coaching engagement?
  • What should I expect to pay for a coach?
  • Do you know any good executive coaches?  

The bottom line is that hiring an executive coach is a big deal—and it can seriously level up your game as a business owner.

Before you take the plunge, though, it's crucial to carefully evaluate the coach's qualifications and approach to ensure a successful partnership – for you and the coach.

Here are seven key things to keep in mind before hiring an executive coach:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Not all coaches are equal. They each bring their unique backgrounds, experiences, knowledge, skills, methods, styles, and credentials to the table. Ensure they have legit experience working with other entrepreneurs or executives in your industry, situation, and company's growth stage. Their expertise should align very closely with your specific goals and challenges.
  2. Coaching Methodology: Understand the coach's coaching methodology and approach. Some coaches might be all about digging deep into your mindset, while others take a more practical, nuts-and-bolts approach. Further, coaches may use various techniques, such as cognitive behavioral, problem-solving, goal-reaching, solution-based, action, or transformational coaching. Do your research, learn each of these different methodologies, and ensure that their method and style resonate with your preferences, objectives, and learning style.
  3. Chemistry and Fit: A strong rapport and trust between you and the coach are essential for a productive coaching relationship. If you don't enjoy working with the coach, I can assure you the outcomes won't be what you are seeking. Consider scheduling a meetup to gauge the coach's communication style and personality and whether you feel comfortable working with them.
  4. Testimonials, References, Credentials: Request testimonials or references from the coach's previous clients. Hearing firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights into the coach's effectiveness and approach. You should also check that your potential coach has the proper training and certifications from respected coaching organizations. It shows they're the real deal and not just winging it.
  5. Confidentiality and Trust: Executive coaching often involves discussing sensitive issues and challenges. Ensure the coach values privacy and creates a safe, non-judgmental space for open dialogue. Trust is crucial for a productive coaching relationship.
  6. Investment and Commitment: Quality coaching isn't cheap, and it's an investment in yourself and your business. Just make sure the cost fits your budget and that you're ready to put in the time and effort to implement the coach's guidance to make it worthwhile.
  7. Measurable Outcomes and ROI: Once you are comfortable with your choice of coach, the level of commitment required, and their approach, clarify expectations and define quantifiable outcomes for the coaching engagement. Discuss how progress will be assessed and what key performance indicators (KPIs)—numeric and/or behavioral—will be used to track improvement. Focusing on measurable results ensures that the coaching investment delivers a positive ROI, and you can see your progress!

By carefully evaluating these factors, a business owner can increase the chances of finding an executive coach who can effectively support their professional growth and contribute to the overall success of their business.